Monday, May 4, 2009


I noticed earlier on this week that many of the people who have stumbled across my blog are looking for Marine Girlfriend Quotes. I thought I would please some of them and add a new quotes I've seen running around online that I thought would be useful. If anyone has anymore please do leave a comment with them!
  • I'd rather be kissing than missing my marine
  • This bed is lonely without you here, missing my marine.
  • Half of my heart is in _____
  • The marines my have my husband, but I have his heart.
  • It may say US Marines over his heart, but it belongs to me.
  • No matter how many pillows I pile the bed with, it's so empty without him. Missing my deployed Marine.
  • A Marine's girl fights her hardest battle when she kisses her marine goodbye.
  • Missing you gets easier everyday, because it brings me one day closer to being with you again.
  • I'm the girl who worries everyday your away. I'm the girl who will stand by you through everything. The girl who is proud to say you are mine. The girl who loves you with my whole heart. I miss and love my marine. Come home soon.
  • I sleep alone so you don't have to. Proud Marine Girl missing my marine.
  • Just because he's deployed doesn't mean I'm single.
  • True love knows no distance. Loving & Missing my marine.
  • I may wear the glass slippers.. but my hero wears combat boots.
  • I'm the girl who waits months for a single kiss a kiss that makes the months apart worth every second ♥
  • God made some of the strongest women, and made their match with a Marine!
  • Forget shinning armor, I'm loving my hero in his dirty cammie's.
  • Roses are red, cammies are Green, I'm in love with a US Marine
  • Distance makes the weak weaker, and makes the strong stronger
  • "Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib: not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal; under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved

    1. I absolutely love these. My boyfriend has just recently left for basic training to be in the USMC and though it is only basic, I'm hurting already.
      These quotes are now all over our scrapbook. Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

    2. These all hit close to home. My fiannce who is a US arine isnt deployed yet but he is in japan til Oct 2012 and these all just made me smile :)

    3. My boyfriend plans to go to the Marines as soon as he turns 18, so im searching around on the web reading some of these poems and some stories to kno whut to expect.. when he goes im going to print these out and hang them all around my house, for support you kno? So thanks for posting these:) They help alot. Blessings, Beth
